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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I remember visiting my Aunt Naomi and playing with my cousin, Sheila.  Sheila is a couple of years younger than me.  She had a “slip and slide” on which we and her neighbors played for hours.  The slip and slide was located behind the house on a hill.  Aunt Naomi would put the garden hose at the top of the slide with a bucket and liquid soap.  The soap made it extra slick so we could slide real fast.  We would fill the bucket with water and soap and pour it on the slide and away we went! Walking up the hill took me awhile, but others easily ran up the hill to take their turn.  

Sheila had a pet duck named Ducky Lucky.  Ducky Lucky followed Sheila everywhere
in the yard and he loved the slide, too!  He would slide down it like the rest of
us but he had one problem –well maybe a couple of problems.  He was slow like me
and by the time he would waddle back to the top, others had taken their turn 3-4 
times.  Well, Ducky Lucky didn’t wait on “his turn.”  He would get in front of the
line by pecking his way through.   Everyone would back up so they wouldn’t get 
pecked –except for me!  You see, Ducky Lucky and I would “waddle” up the hill 
together and miss our turn 3-4 times so while he was pecking away and “talking” 
to everyone to get out of the way, he and I would get in front of the line, slide
down and start over again. That’s when Ducky Lucky became one of my best pals. 
I have remembered this duck for years.  You see, he and I had a lot in common. 
Physically, we were both small in stature, slow when we walked, made others hear 
us —not to mention that we were both stubborn as mules. I felt I needed to tell 
this story before I start on my high school years.  You see, we walk with God 
when we are at the bottom of the hill.  We walk up the hill slowly with Him by
our side and when we are at the top of the hill we tend to do “things” our way
thinking God is walking ahead of us, working things out.  We loose our patience
waiting on Him  to do something for us so we start doing life our way thinking 
we have His approval.  The next few years I was jumping ahead of God and thinking
I was walking with Him.  I knew there were times when I wasn’t “living right” 
but deep down Christ was speaking to me through the Holy Spirit.  Looking back,
I realize He was with me the whole time, even during my sins!!  You see, Christ
loved me unconditionally and He still loves me now.  He turned my life around.
Acts 20:24 (New Living Translation) sums up what I need to do:

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the 
work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.”

He has entrusted me to tell His story of His unmerited favor, spiritual blessings, and mercy in my life.

Pray with me as I continue to tell my story.